Explore a mysterious world

Discover a mysterious world with abandoned structures from a past civilization—like a shopping mall?!

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Kirby explores a mysterious world, with an abandoned shopping mall? Opens in a dialog window.

Travel tips

Discover the different ways to play in these areas.

Looping video of a variety of the levels Kirby will visit on his adventure.

Stage missions

Your adventure will take you through these fun stages.

Looping video of Kirby trying to compete a Treasure Road level to earn Rare Stones.

Treasure road challenges

Try to beat the clock to earn Rare Stones!

Looping video of Kirby battling one of the stage bosses.

Boss Stages

Take on the baddies to open a new area!

Welcome to Waddle Dee Town

Take a break from your adventure in the lovely Waddle Dee Town. Play the townsfolk’s favorite games or compare scores online* through Wise Waddle Dee.

["Kirby and the Forgotten Land","game packaging."]

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